The Millers speak with Kerri Twigg, Founder of Career Stories, about combining arts and business, playing the long game, and using LinkedIn for marketing. They discuss Kerri’s contributions to a best-selling book, and her work to become a LinkedIn Top Voice. When it comes to starting a business, she believes in merging your passion with your business, and advises us to find our “career stories”, the days where we were really happy at work, and to let the traits we used those days guide our career.
Listen to the full episode here now or subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play or your favorite podcast platform.
Find Kerri Twigg and Career Stories Online Here:
- Career-Stories.com
- LinkedIn: @KerriTwigg and @CareerStoriesConsulting
- Instagram: @careerstorieskerri
- Facebook: @careerstories
- Twitter: @KerriTwigg
Kerri’s Other Recommended Resources:
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